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Mental Health, Addiction and Opioid Summit

The Anishinabek Nation’s Health Secretariat is taking place on May 24-25, 2023. This will be a hybrid event. The summit will be held at the Quattro Hotel and Conference Centre in Sault Ste. Marie.


8th Annual Anishinabek Nation Health Conference

Aaniin, Boozhoo, Welcome back! We hope everyone is well and we look forward to seeing each of you in 2023 as we anticipate the opportunity to gather in-person once again. The 8th Annual Conference will take place on January 17, 18, and 19.


Earth Day

Anishinabek Nation’s Health Transformation Team would like to acknowledge Earth Day. As stewards of the land and in an effort to protect Mother Earth, let’s make an effort to pick up some trash, drive less, learn how to recycle, and use less electricity.


World Health Day

The Anishinabek Nation’s Health Transformation Team would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge World Health Day. It is important to consistently take care of your physical and mental health. Each day is a new opportunity to improve your health and wellness.


We Need You!

The Anishinabek Nation Health Secretariat is moving forward with a Health Transformation Initiative as directed by the Anishinabek Nation Chiefs-in-Assembly. Currently, we are searching for a representative from each community to create a Working Group.
