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By Jesse Johnson

ANISHINABEK NATION TERRITORY — The Anishinabek Nation’s Health Transformation Team held their second working group meeting on Jan. 12 through Zoom.

Loretta Nootchtai, Health Transformation Project Manager, looks forward to holding more Working Group meetings this year. – Photo supplied

Loretta Nootchtai, Health Transformation Project Manager, is proud of the progress made so far and looks forward to holding more meetings with the Health Transformation Working Group this year. The group reviewed their draft Terms of Reference, discussed their list of Frequently Asked Questions, and received a presentation on Indigenous Services Canada.

The Team has had many areas questioned throughout discussions including infrastructure and human resources. They will all be assessed for each community through environmental scans and needs assessments. Communities are encouraged to think ahead to the community engagement sessions and keep those areas in mind when thinking about their community needs.

In planning, the direction in which the Anishinabek Nation’s Health Transformation process is going requires continual direct input from member Anishinabek First Nations through the community engagement session processes.

The Anishinabek Nation Health Transformation Working Group, comprised of various member First Nations representatives and healthcare professionals, regularly provides guidance, leadership and direction to the Anishinabek Nation’s Health Transformation negotiations team.

The Working Group will contribute to the gathering of community-level feedback on the draft plans and recommendations that will capture… Read More